End of August
Finishing School
I was finally able to pay off my bursar account now that I’m making decent income, and I’ve decided to continue pursuing my degree at OSU, online. I’ll probably need to drop my microbiology degree since that would require me to return in person, but if I don’t get rehired at GEA, then there’ll be nothing keeping me out of the state, so I’m waiting to see how things evolve.
For the Fall semester, I’ve signed up for Numerical Methods, Software Engineering, and Computer Security. So far, the syllabi give me the impression I won’t be learning anything I don’t already know, but it doesn’t hurt to have a rigorous refresher, and that just means they should all be easy A’s.
Nothing exciting so far – just started.
Plants Update
The ginger I planted is growing fairly well, and I believe the wilting and decoloration in my avocado that I had attributed to a pathogen was just coincidentally-timed nitrogen deficiency. I had dismissed nutrient deficiency, because I had just changed the water about 2 weeks before, but after refilling with a slightly different nutrient balance, it regained its color within a week and is growing well again. The little mosso sprout in the same basin also seems to be doing well, and after much apprehension I’ve finally observed the first sprout in my window planters!