
I cleared the background check and I got to move forward with the position at GE Appliances! I’d been planning my move meticulously. Unfortunately there isn’t any kind of stipend provided for my move. Actually, the only reason I was able to make the move was thanks to the fortunate timing of my 2020 tax refund. If I hadn’t received that at just the right time I would have needed to turn down the job

Since I had to fund myself to get to Kentucky, I didn’t have any room in my budget to start renting before I got here.


I arrived in Kentucky the night of the 24th and stayed at a Flying J for the night. I’ve been homeless before, so I wasn’t too worried about that one night, but I had been worried about how productive I would be able to be if I had to work remote from my car till I found a place. Fortunately, even though no one is required to be in the office, it is available for me to use whenever I need it.

Meeting my new boss, Irena, was pretty nerve wracking – not because she was intimidating or anything, but if things didn’t go well, I would be completely stranded in an unfamiliar state with no form of income and all my material possessions in temporary storage.