Wal-Mart Supports Covid

I ran across some people at Wal-Mart not wearing masks, and I had let it go a few times before, but I’m getting tired of the number of Covidiots in this podunk town and how proud they are to be vectors of something they don’t understand.

It took a while but I finally got a manager to talk to and he told me that they can’t call the police because the police won’t do anything (what?). He tried to tell me that they don’t have to wear a mask because they could have a disability. I laughed at his inability to properly interpret the ADA (inability to wear a mask is not protected during a pandemic), and mentioned how many businesses including Wal-Mart provide curbside service for people who can’t wear masks. He eventually just told me that he was following the directions of his superiors.

So, in conclusion, according to David from supercenter #137, Wal-Mart supports the spread of Sars-CoV-2.

Aerated Avocados

It’s a bit overdue, but I finally transplanted the sprouted avocado seeds into a hydroponics basket filled with coco coir. Their poor little tap roots had developed rot at the tips since the glass jars I sprouted them in couldn’t exchange enough oxygen that deep.