End of October
Potentially Perennial Plants
It’s getting colder, but I want to give my avocados as much time to grow as possible, so I’m moving them indoors for the rest of Fall and Winter. Avocado trees grow year round in more temperature regions, so I’m hoping I can turn the 2-4 years before fruiting into 1-2. Of course these were sprouted from random grocery store avocado seeds, so there’s no telling what the quality of the fruit will be, but my main concern is establishing healthy root stock so I can splice on some scions.
Slow, Steady Steps
I made my last payment to close one medical bill this month. It’s a huge relief to not lose a week-or-two’s worth of funds each month. All my medical bills are fairly small for minor visits, and yet their weight is still a source of extreme anxiety.
It took me a bit to gather the motivation but I’m finally applying for jobs again. The two applications that I’m most excited about are with Rural Sourcing and Toptal. I completed the first screen with Toptal and the online test, and I’m feeling much more optimistic about that than I am about Rural Sourcing. The technical interviewer I spoke to asked me to tell me about myself and I froze up. I had been expecting to jump right into technical questions since I already spoke about myself extensively in the first interview, but I’m just now learning this kind of redundancy is normal for interview processes.
I’m not too worried about it, though. It’s good experience that will serve me well in the future, and I wasn’t too excited about Rural Sourcing in the first place – I was just happy someone responded to my application! Toptal is definitely my first pick of the two, so in a way I’m glad I stumbled with Rural Sourcing so I know how to navigate the next interview with Toptal a little better.