End of June
Sars Safety
Since the Sars-CoV-2 virus is reported to camouflage itself with glucose, I’ve switched to keto to help my body identity it if I get exposed. I was worried about exposure since Wal-Mart is apparently just putting up a front and an anti-masker went out of his way to cough around me a little bit ago, smiling at me when I looked over. I got tested recently and thankfully it came back negative.
Police Protests
I think it’s clear at this point that the George Floyd protests have become less about racial inequality and more broadly about police brutality. More and more people are beginning to accept that police abuse their power. It may not immediately address the racial issues, but I think it’s an important step in the right direction.
I remember one time my dad was listening to NPR, and the episode was discussing the higher rate of violence by police against black individuals and my dad – who tends to talk at the TV and radio – said “If they don’t like the violence, they should just follow directions!” That was just one more in a long line of ugly realizations about my dad, but the point is there are many people who think like him, and it seems like even some of those people are softening to the idea that police abuse their power, which I think opens the door to them acknowledging black individuals just might be targeted unfairly.
Maybe I’m being naive again.