End of August
Laundromat Losers
At my regular laundromat this month, I noticed two people who I’ve seen there before weren’t wearing masks indoors. I made a show of recording them, and when the guy asked me “Hey! Are you recording us?” I responded “No, why? Is that an issue? Because you’re not wearing a mask?” I can’t remember exactly how it proceeded from there, but I ended up calling Stillwater police to come enforce the mask mandate, assuming the business took it seriously, since they had the “mask required” signs plastered all over.
It turned out those two individuals are actually the business owners of the laundromat (Cowboy Laundry).
The police operator asked me if I was the business owner and ended up telling me they would only send police if a business owner was calling. So, in essence, there is no mask mandate. Business owners already have the right to refuse service to anyone, and they can already call the police to have them removed. The “mask mandate” in Stillwater is essentially political theater. Leave it to a podunk little town like this to call themselves patriots then give in to terrorism. It’s a dangerous precedent to set – then again, realizing that would require forethought.