I’m taking Engineering Statistics over the summer along with two other courses: Organization of Programming Languages and Social Issues in Computing. Today was the day of my second stat exam, which I ended up feeling good about.

Leading up to the exam, I became interested in creating a little conceptual demo to play with, as I often did in high school. Some of the exam material was going to cover joint probability density functions, so that’s what I wanted to focus on. Unfortunately, I didn’t know any symbolic manipulation libraries that would allow me to define functions and find integrals in javascript, so demonstrating joint continuous PDF’s was probably impractical for this small project, but I’d still like to do that another time; continuous PDF’s are more fun in general.

2019-07-11 Edit: The exam was going to cover joint probability distribution functions. “Continuous” is redundant since PDF’s (probability density functions) describe continuous functions, while this looks at probability mass functions.

This could be a bit more polished, but it does its jobs. Just click to create a data point. Click-and-drag to move a data point. Saving and clearing points uses your cookies.