Old Speed Code Challenge
Today I decided to review and clean up a very early project.
Prior to this I had made a simple desktop app that let you create walls and spawn balls that would bounce off the walls. I found very quickly that certain physics “bugs” were actually desirable: when a wall was created intersecting a ball, the ball would be reflected each frame, resulting in the ball acting as if it were skewered. Now, I think it would be better explicitly support that behavior as a feature, but it was a fun way to discover a new behavior I hadn’t considered before.
When I wrote this body of code, I had been into the idea of coding competitions. I have yet to compete in a serious competition, but I think I mentioned before that I had done a school competition (and won first place). I definitely don’t exercise coding practices that would be helpful in one of those environments, but I’d still like to compete some day.
The project data shows that it was created using NetBeans 6.9, so this was some time after June 15, 2010 but before August according to Netbeans release roadmap – the fall semester of my senior year.